November 2, 2009: What a wonderful day!! On this day, we went to the Erie County Court House, testified under oath and was granted full parental rights of Maria by Judge Bozza (photo right shows us being questioned by our lawyer).
Grandpa Wittgens came to Erie for the occasion, representing Mima (thanks for the amazing books you sent, Mima!). Of course, Busha and Dzia-Dzia were there in spirit (or picture frame)!
We were joined at the court house by lovely friends. Maria's Godparents, Angie and Bryan Amburn and their four lovely children Brandon, Veronica, Alanna and Rebekah. Melissa Violante (known to Maria as "Aunt Dr. Mooo") represented Nick. Greg Schlueter represented for all 8 Schlueters. And Sister Josephine represented the Spiritual Family, The Work (a new religious order from Germany).
November 2nd is quite significant to us. Four years ago, we lost a little boy, Eugene Michael, to miscarriage. Overwhelmed by grief, the Lord spoke clearly to me: "I love you. I love your marriage. I have a plan for your family." Little Gene's due date was Nov. 2. How great is our God!