Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Doctor Visit

Today I took Maria to see Dr. Webster again. She now weighs 7 lbs 4oz! She's 20inches long. She really is like an average newborn baby! The nurse even told me that Maria is now officially on the growth chart!! She's in the 1st percentile for 3 month old babies! The nurse did not know where Maria stands on her corrected age growth chart, though. Still, the nurse was amazed that Maria even made it onto the growth chart this soon!

Maria also went into work with me this afternoon. She got to meet Mary, Colette, Fr Hahn and Fr. Steve!

As I look at her now, I am floored at how chubby her cheeks are (and before you ask, Dzia-Dzia - I mean her facial cheeks)! So sweet, my little girl is.

We are looking forward to introducing her to the GREAT state of Michigan this weekend!!! Just a few more months away until we can climb the dunes at Hoffmaster with her!


  1. Big Girl Maria- Wow she just keeps growing and making leaps. I am so happy that she will meet her Aunts and Uncles in Michigan. We hope the trip goes well- we will be praying.


  2. blessings on your travel with Maria! What a big growing girl!

  3. She's going to pass up Ethan on the growth chart in no time! He's still only in the 5th percentile for weight. :(
