Saturday, March 21, 2009

What Did You Have For Breakfast?

I got to have a little Sassy McMuffin.
Maria is truly growing up - she sure knows how to communicate her need for food! She was such a sassy pants, I couldn't believe it. She wouldn't let me take her temperature (which needs to happen before she eats). She kept squirming and being sassy, which made it difficult to get an accurate read, which meant that I had to try again, which made her get even sassier, which meant another inaccurate read, went on and on. I thought it was funny, she didn't. She wasn't crying or even fussing...she really does just get sassy.

Maria received two immunizations this morning, also. She cried out with each shot, but never longer than 3 seconds. She is really a tough muffin. I guess she's gotton used to NICU torture. Before her shots, all the nurses had a story about their kids' shots, and how one kid even burst a blood vessel in his eye because he cried so much. One nurse's husband cried during the shots...Maria just took it like a woman. I was so proud (and relieved!).

When she finally did get a bottle, she released her inner pig, and Snorty McPhee thoroughly enjoyed her liquid pancakes.

Maria had no alarms last night. If she can go seven days without a brady, she can come home without a moniter. Could this be the beginning of her "snapping out" of the bradys???? Could this be the beginning of the miracle for which I've been praying????

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