Sunday, March 22, 2009

Big Prayer Request

We're asking for a big miracle, here, and hope that you can join us...

Maria has still not had a bradycardia since Friday. She needs to go seven days without a brady in order to bring her home without a monitor. We want to keep our expectations realistic, which is that most preemies go home with a monitor. However, we are really really hoping that Maria can continue the streak she is on and come home "wire-less" this Friday. With or without the monitor, we are planning to bring her home this week.

Please join us in hoping and praying for this little (but very significant to us) miracle to materialize!


  1. What a HUGE answer to prayer that would be to come home sans monitor! I'll be praying tons!

  2. We have the prayer request hotline going here at the DeWitts with fam and freinds. God is good so we can only put our trust in Him. He knows best. It certainly would be a testimony to God if he see it fit to answer.

    Love ya
