Maria took the exam like a champ. Sala placed a clamp on her eye socket to keep her eye open. She is such a trooper!
Maria also took another full bottle this morning! That's two full bottles in a row! Her nurse wants Maria to begin trying bottles once a shift, instead of twice a day, but we'll see.
Her alarms are not improving, still. The NP said that their number is almost too high to count. So we'll see what Dr. Coppola says during rounds today. We're disappointed that the transfusion did not provide the desired results.
Maria was moved to a big girl bed this weekend! But this morning her body temp was kind of low, so now the NP is talking about busting out the isolette again. I have had her in light, newborn, cotton sleepers, though. They are too big and perhaps not cozy enough. Thank goodness that Rachel brought a big box of preemie sized clothes this weekend!!! I had not wanted to buy a ton of preemie sized stuff, but for the next week or so, I really think that the smaller sizes will make a difference. And even better - since they came from cousin Rachel, everything is super cute. I've never seen so many wonderful looking hats!
Maria loved meeting Aunt Michelle.
that's so funny because normally I don't think you and M look extremely alike, but that picture I had to do a double take to figure out which one it was :)
ReplyDeleteMaria - keep going girl!
Mom and Dad - way to go hanging in there during all these ups and downs.
Praying for continued growth, success, health!
Dear Joe and Sara (and Maria)
ReplyDeleteI know i don't post that many comments, (or any comments, hardly), but I want you to know that you and Sara and Maria are constantly in my thoughts and prayers ...a lot. I can't fathom all the emotions you both must be going through, up...down...elated...depressed (repeat as needed). I remember you telling us that there would be many steps forward, then backward, then a little more forward, them somewhat backward. Wow! As they say, premies are not for the weak hearted (actually, I don't know if anyone has said that, but it's true none the less). I do wish I could be there, next door, across the street, or in the living room, just to help, and take my turn doing whatever. Or share a brewski or a wineski.
I know Jesus is faithful and a solid rock to stand on, but what you are going thru is still hard, and I submit that you are being stretched more than you thought possible...and it's not close to being over, yet. I also know that God doesn't give us more than we can deal with, but it sure seems like He takes us up to the edge.
I love you guys, I am so proud of you, and we have got your back side in prayer, and anything else you need.
Much love, Dzia, Dzia
All the Strassers are praying for those abnormal vessels to stop growing! It's so nice to see her a little freer of all the medical apparatus. :-) Hope you all have a peaceful week.