Friday, February 27, 2009

Bottle Time

Maria tried to feed from a bottle for the first time yesterday! We were all so excited! Even Dr. Balsan came over to our corner to watch the big event. Her nurse Lauren fed her. Maria drank 7 cc's of her feeding from the bottle before she just got too tired to suck anymore. We are so proud of her.

Maria is also growing quite well. She is up 50 grams this morning. I feel like she is sailing through the 3 pound phase! If she continues to grow at this pace, she'll be 4 pounds by next week!

She is still alarming, so we are really praying that she can tolerate her cannula and graduate from the CPAP. When Maria graduates from the CPAP, the staff will insert her feeding tube into her nose, making bottle feeding easier. I think that considering that her feeding tube is currently in her mouth, Maria did a wonderful job with the bottle. Imagine trying to drink from a bottle with a straw in your mouth - it's tough to get a good seal.


  1. Oh my goodness, how precious.
    I am so excited for her! Good job Maria!

    Each milestone is another reason to celebrate!

    We'll keep praying!

  2. Congratulations, big girl! You look so alert & wide awake & very inquisitive. I believe you're able to follow Mom's voice when she talks to you. You look so much bigger than when I held you a week ago. Can't wait to see you again. Gramma Wittgens
