Monday, February 9, 2009

T Time

Maria's red blood cell count was lower than the doctor expected this morning: 25. 30 is considered the low end of "normal preemie". The NP called me this morning to say that Maria could not wait for a directed donor for blood...that the transfusion needed to happen right away. I asked if Maria was in danger, and she replied that the number is "not good...but we can take care of it".

Angie and I arrived to the hospital in time to watch Maria's IV inserted. It took three agonizing attempts. But Maria was a big trooper! She was given some sugar water to "help with the pain", and between that, her binky and my non-stop talking to her, she did great. She only cried a little during the third attempt. While I never want to see her go through that again, I'm so glad that I could be there, and that Angie could be there with me, too.

The birthmom came to the hospital to have her blood typed so that the doctor knows what Maria's been exposed to in utero. She also needs to sign the consent for the transfusion. I was tempted to sneak into the lab and find out what she looks like, but Joe's voice in my head got the better of me, and I decided to respect the privacy intended for the adoption... If she wants to meet me, the agency will call... I feel like I deserve a treat (like a new car) for being such a big girl!

I hopeful that the transfusion will help her oxygen desatts...I'm actually anxious for it to happen...Maria will be so much better off. However, please pray a lot today against an infection.


  1. Phew! What a morning! Praying for sweet Maria, may the transfusion help her so much more than expected!!! Come LORD!

  2. Sara and Joe- Praying for your family from South Bend! It was a joy to read about this new chapter, and I pray that Maria's health keeps improving and that you receive a new car! =)

    God Bless,

  3. We will continue to pray that she does well and fights off infection.

    By the way, the kids and us loved seeing the videos. The pray for their new cousin, Maria, every morning and night. Thanks for letting us see her "for real", like being there!

    Quesiton: How is the adoption process going? Are you still in the 30 day waiting period, and that is why the birth mother had to give consent and not you two? Will this be a closed adoption, then?

    love and prayers,
    The Brown's

  4. yeh Maria. may God bless you during all your new growths. It was great to see the videos. Yeh Sara, you WERE a "big girl" during the IV start. you are a great Mom.

  5. Love you Maria. You're doing great. we're praying for you. hugs & kisses.
