Thursday, February 19, 2009

Waiting for Results

Maria had a brain ultrasound today to look for cysts and bleeding. We should get the results tomorrow. Maria will also have a urine test tomorrow to check her body Ph. The doctor is concerned that Maria has a bit of acidosis. Acidosis could explain why she is not gaining a lot of weight. So we're looking forward to getting that test result also! Maria will also have her blood tested again for oxygen levels. If her levels are very good, then she might get a break from the CPAP.

I'm hoping to get answers to all of these questions tomorrow.


  1. I'm praying that the test results are good all around! I'm also praying that the Grandmother's visits are peaceful and helpful for all involved.

    Sending our love and prayers across the miles!!

  2. Oh we're praying!!! Come Lord Jesus! Peace be upon all of you! xoxo
