Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Little Progress

Maria did quite well on her nasal cannula today. Dr. Balsan lowered her air flow pressure from 2 liters to 1 liter. He said that if she can tolerate this reduction, then she can try to take a bottle!

I am amazed at how quickly she is growing and maturing, now. It seems like she has broken a new plane where all the systems work just a little bit better and are a little bit stronger. But she's still a wee one.

Tonight Maria was very restless laying on Joe. She actually cried some and we were both anxious because we couldn't figure out what her issue was (sound familiar, parents???). Anyway, she needed a change in position, so Joe cradled her semi-upright in his arms. Tonight was the first time she's been held in that position for a long time. She settled in and (finally) fell asleep.

She's so cute, we hate leaving her at the end of the day!


  1. Way to grow, Maria! And thank God it is the end of the day and the adoption process can keep moving along!

    We love all 3 of you and are praying for you all, in all of this adjustment and time of growth and change. I'm praying for lots of peace!

  2. It's Thursday Morning!!!! Thank you Jesus!

    Bless you sweet Maria, you're so blessed with amazing parents that love you!

  3. Yes Bless you Lord for your goodness. Maria you have great parents and we are praying all can go forward.

    Maria is showing her personality and will be stretching you both as time goes on- new things on the horizon for mom and dad. But you have the gifts.

  4. Good Morning - this is Aunt Ellen on Thursday morning - which I see after reading your blog is THE DAY of final release for Maria to become officially a DeWitt!! Hurray. I'll check back later to be sure all is well. I'm glad Marcia re-sent the link, because I couldn't figure out how to get back to the blog after my first visit (computer-challenged I guess). Anyway, now that I bookmarked this, I'll be back. You two are wonderful parents and Maria is so blessed. Thanks for sharing the journey you are taking. I loved seeing the grandmothers visiting. They are awesome! May the Lord continue to bless you both along with your beautiful daughter. Love, Aunt Ellen
