Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Cutting Caffeine Cold-Turkey

Dr. Balsan has eliminated Maria's morning espresso shot. She's now caffeine-free. I'm happy for this because we never liked the idea of Maria taking caffeine, however, Balsan is just continuing his quest to put the ounces on Maria. The caffeine raises her metabolic rate, which makes calorie retention difficult. So far Maria has tolerated the break okay. She's having a few more alarms off the caffeine, but no one is concerned about those. Balsan has also increased the volume of her feedings 1 cc.

Maria's belly is still distended. Several factors contribute to this: the CPAP, the formula, the amount of food, gas, etc... This morning I got to watch Dr. Balsan push on Maria's belly to release some trapped air. If anyone wonders what this scene looks like, image one of your children as newborns looking like a balloon being transformed into some animal figure because their doctor is pressing both his massive hands on their belly, almost smashing their gut into their spinal chord.
Maria is such a trooper...I'm so proud of her! She is still uncomfortable today. The staff recently moved her bed from an empty, quiet corner of the NICU, to a busy, louder corner of the NICU. Sometimes I wonder if this move is contributing to her restlessness. The NP suggested to me again today that we record our voices on a digital recorder, so that Maria can hear us when she's fussy. I guess sometimes this recording can help to settle babies. I can't wait to record reading "Green Eggs and Ham" in Latin!


  1. Poor baby, it's hard to lose that caffeine hit! I'm saying a prayer for her.

  2. The Grandmothers are coming, the Grandmothers are coming! And they have spent the last 3 days and nights recording (with alternating voices) the complete works of Shakesphere for Maria to listen to when she gets tired of hearing Mom's and Dad's voices. Dzia Dzia is recording Solomon's Song of Songs and the Big Rig Song for culture and amusement

  3. Not wanting to invade your privacy. Marcia directed us to this site, and we just want you to know that we are praying. Love, Jim and Ginny

  4. Oh Sara - I just cracked up seeing that you want to read Dr. Seuss to her in Latin! Love it!

    Somehow I have gotten completely out of the DeWitt loop this year! I missed the announcement of your blog and the announcement of Andy and Jeannine's pregnancy! So (a bit delayed) I've been sitting and reading about Maria ALL morning to the neglect of my work - but it is such a joy. I'm only partway through February, but I am determined keep going.

    Every time I see a picture of Maria, I am brought to tears. Which is great since I am sitting in the middle of my cafe and all my customers keep seeing me get all emotional. But she is beautiful and I am so happy for you. You are and will continue to be in my prayers - what a blessing she is. The laying down of your lives for her is a beautiful witness and can only serve to show her what love really means, ultimately in the sacrificial love of Christ.

    May God bless your whole family! I love and miss you,
