Monday, February 2, 2009

Daddy's Back

After being out of commission secondary to an unspecified illness I've have returned to my fatherly duties. I felt 100% today so I went back to the hospital with Sara this evening. We visited with Maria for about 2 1/2 hours. It was great. Maria kangaroo'd with Sara for almost an hour and a half. She did great! No alarms at all while kangarooing! Maria still has more frequent alarms on the nasal cannula but they haven't gotten more frequent so they are continuing with the sprinting. She is tolerating feeds well too. Though she had a little left in her belly from one feed and urped up some after another the doctor feels comfortable progressing her. She's up to 17 cc every three hours and set to hit 18 cc at 1 am. We pray this continues because this will allow the PICC line to come out. We're hoping in the next day or so it will be out. I love seeing Maria without the CPAP. She looks very cute. We love her more each day. Tomorrow is my turn to hold and I can't wait!


  1. Joe, so glad that you are feeling better and that Maria continues to improve! Sara and Joe, I'm praying for you both for balance and peace in this transition as well as for Maria's continued health. We love you both!


  2. Joe and Sara- Thanks for all the updates it is helpful in knowing how to pray. Remember the Lord is keeping watch over you and Maria. Your faith has brought you both to this place of love so trust in the Lord to provide all the grace and strenght you will need in the days ahead. Psalm 62 is a great one to read. Yesterday was the feast of the Presentation of the Lord in the temple, so we lifted up Maria to God and his care and provision for all she needs to be healthy, loved and happy. He holds her in the Palm of His Hand. God Bless- Mom D
